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Ref-loan waiver Crisis-2008 PRESS-NOTE Dated-25th july 2008
Kalavati bandhukar leads Vidarbha Cotton Farmers protest rally for fresh crop loan
Nagpur- Dated-25th july2 008
Thousands of vidarbha dying farmers today participated in dharan agitation organised vidarbha jan andolan samiti (VJAS) protest rally joined by hundreds farm widows along with kalavatibai bandhukar whom rahul Gandhi refered in his speech of loksabha having recetly visited her house in his vidarbha discovery one flash tour demanding fresh crop loan to every distressed farmers as more than 90% cotton farmers are left out of loan waiver scheme announced by Indian government and farmers are till not getting the fresh crop loan in vidarbha and farmers have decleared to start indefinite dharana agitation before all banks in order to press west vidarbha main demand of complete loan waiver ,convenor kishor tiwari of vidarbha jan andolan samiti informed in a press release today..
leading farm activist chandrakant wankhede ,mubarak tawwar, tukaram meshram;mohan mamiddwar , moreshwar watile mohan jadhav particeted in the protest rally alongwith thousands of cotton farmers from yavatmal district.speakers in the rally attacked central and state Govt against their hostile approach to tackle vidarbha agrarian crisis which has claimed more than 5000 farm suicides since june 2005.
This rally was organised by Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti(VJAS) who has been keeping track of farm suicides in vidarbha region and one of the unsung custodian of agrarian crisis has apposed the condition of 2 hector in laon waiver package and urged o give loan waiver to all farmers with out any limit of land or crop loan limit as this will cover all debt trapped distress farmers and VJAS also demanded that only loan waiver will not address that issue unless and until the fresh five credit cycle is given to all farmers and income base package to farmers hence cost of cotton is as important as debt crisis are hence cotton price is the issue is too important to address the vidarbha agrarian crisis, kishor tiwari added.
Kalavtibai bandhukar in his speech has announced that she has been till date given any help by administration and finding very difficult to keep her family alive and will follow the same path her husband of suicide as life has been too difficult to run family due to continuous apathy of administration .
Kishor Tiwari in his sppech was very critical about the recent CAG research paper which has brought the fact before the nation that vidarbha farmers are victim of apathy and wrong policies of state coupled with massive corruption in relief work more over the announcement of Indian finance Minister P.chitambram has brought despondency and gloom in vidarbha cotton region as most effected debt trapped 70% farm families are being covered in loan waiver package due to 2 hector limit cap as average land holding on record in rain fed area of west vidarbha is 2.4 hector as per govt. record hence decision to give loan waiver up to 2 hector has benefited the most in the area where land holding is less and land is under irrigation .vidarbha grarian crisis which has reported around 36,600 cotton farmers suicides since 1995 after the free trade era has started .
VJAS toady once again urged Govt.the issue of providing credit and cost cover to dying cotton farmers are vital due increase in higher subsidies and instability in cost hence price stabilization fund is needed along with complete loan waiver and regulated credit supply from state controlled Banks. the step to reduce the input cost of cultivation the regulator for seed and pesticide is must.
The provision to provide insurance cover to cash crop on village level ,the direct food security ,health care security and rural employment growth in agrarian crisis prone should be given special budgetary allocation in order to stop on going farmers suicides.
VJAS has today passed resolution in the rally to request Indian Govt. to start NFSM (National food security mission) and special outlay of RKVY(Rashtriya krishi vikas yojana) along with a comprehensive policy for land rights to landless, marginal farmers and tribals cultivating barren land for vidarbha and the demand to allocate dedicated funds on the lines of AIBP for farm ponds, community tanks and give incentives to farmers/villages who/which harness water but nobody in the administration is serious over the vidarbha agrarian crisis ,tiwari added. .
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Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
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