मिहान प्रकल्पाकरिता जमिनीचे संपादन झाले नसतानाही अनेक बड्या कंपन्यांना त्याचे परस्पर वाटप करण्यात आल्याची याचिका दाखल करण्यात आली होती. याकरिता कंपनी व्यवहार मंत्रालयाने एमएडीसीला धारेवधर धरले असून, सखोल चौकशीचे आदेश दिले आहे. या संदर्भात कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजावण्यात आली असून, उत्तर किंवा स्पष्टीकरण न दिल्यास कायदेशीर कारवाईचा इशाराही मिहानच्या संचालकांना दिला आहे. आंतरराष्ट्रीय प्रवासी आणि मालवाहतूक हब तसेच सेझ प्रकल्पासाठी राज्य शासनाने महाराष्ट्र विमानतळ विकास कंपनीची स्थापना केली आहे. या माध्यमातून मोठ्या प्रमाणात जमिनी अधिग्रहित केल्या जात आहेत. या जमिनी अधिग्रहित होण्यापूर्वीच अनेक भांडवलदारांना देऊन बेकायदेशीर व्यवहार करण्यात आले आहेत. यात राज्य शासनाचे कोट्यवधीचे नुकसान झाले असल्याची तक्रार किशोर तिवारी यांनी पंतप्रधान डॉ. मनमोहनसिंग तसेच कंपनी व्यवहार मंत्रालयाकडे केली होती. चौकशीअंती एमएडीसीने कंपनी व्यवहार कायदा १९५६च्या अनेक नियमांचा भंग केला असल्याचे निदर्शनास आले आहे. एमएडीसीने जमीन दिल्याच्या नावाखाली अनेक कंपन्यांनी बॅंकांकडून कर्ज घेतले आहे. या कंपन्यांना जमीन देताना मातीमोल किमती दाखवण्यात आल्या आहेत. काही आयटी कंपन्यांना गरजेपेक्षा शेकडो एकर जमीन जादाची देण्यात आली आहे. जमिनीच्या व्यवहारात प्रचंड भ्रष्टाचार झाला असल्याचा विदर्भ जनआंदोलन समितीचा आरोप आहे. सेझ प्रकल्पाच्या जमिनी रहिवासी क्षेत्रासाठी वाटप करून सेझच्या अटीचा भंग केला असल्याने यापूर्वीच वाणिज्य मंत्रालयाने कारवाई सुरू केली आहे. मिहानच्या संपूर्ण व्यवहाराची सीबीआयमार्फत चौकशी करण्याची मागणी जनआंदोलन समितीमार्फत करण्यात आली आहे.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Frog marriage solemnised for rain showers in vidarbha
Frog marriage solemnised for rain showers in Nagpur
Sat, 20 Jun 2009:
Nagpur, June 20 (ANI): A number of farmers seeking rainfall in Nagpur city organised wedding of two frogs on Saturday to please the Rain Gods and hoped their region would soon receive monsoon showers.
People blew trumpets and sang songs, as the priest solemnized the marriage to the chanting of Hindu hymnby putting streaks of vermilion on the female toad's head.
The toads were picked up from different ponds, following the local belief among the farmers in this part of India that a frog marriage pleases the Rain Gods and ensure a good harvest with rains.
Locals hoped the marriage would help them to end the dry spell that the region is experiencing.Our forefathers believed that marriage of male and female frogs makes Lord Indra (Rain God) happy that leads to rains. You can see that it is not raining in the entire Vidarbha, eastern region of Maharashtra state made up of Nagpur divison and Amravati division that has caused a drought like division. We are following this belief of our forefathers so that Lord Indra is pleased and it rains," said Shailendra Awasthi, a participant in the marriage.
With temperatures soaring high and monsoons playing truant in northern and western parts of the country, people are praying hard for showers.
"It was sunny when we came in the morning for performing marriage. But now you can see the weather has changed. It means it will rain. We hope so," said Ankita Bhatia, a participant in the frog marriage. By Sunil Kumar (ANI)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
मिहानच्या जमीन विक्रीत कोट्यवधीचा भ्रष्टाचार
मिहान प्रकल्पाकरिता जमिनीचे संपादन झाले नसतानाही अनेक बड्या कंपन्यांना त्याचे परस्पर वाटप करण्यात आल्याची याचिका दाखल करण्यात आली होती. याकरिता कंपनी व्यवहार मंत्रालयाने एमएडीसीला धारेवधर धरले असून, सखोल चौकशीचे आदेश दिले आहे. या संदर्भात कारणे दाखवा नोटीस बजावण्यात आली असून, उत्तर किंवा स्पष्टीकरण न दिल्यास कायदेशीर कारवाईचा इशाराही मिहानच्या संचालकांना दिला आहे. आंतरराष्ट्रीय प्रवासी आणि मालवाहतूक हब तसेच सेझ प्रकल्पासाठी राज्य शासनाने महाराष्ट्र विमानतळ विकास कंपनीची स्थापना केली आहे. या माध्यमातून मोठ्या प्रमाणात जमिनी अधिग्रहित केल्या जात आहेत. या जमिनी अधिग्रहित होण्यापूर्वीच अनेक भांडवलदारांना देऊन बेकायदेशीर व्यवहार करण्यात आले आहेत. यात राज्य शासनाचे कोट्यवधीचे नुकसान झाले असल्याची तक्रार किशोर तिवारी यांनी पंतप्रधान डॉ. मनमोहनसिंग तसेच कंपनी व्यवहार मंत्रालयाकडे केली होती. चौकशीअंती एमएडीसीने कंपनी व्यवहार कायदा १९५६च्या अनेक नियमांचा भंग केला असल्याचे निदर्शनास आले आहे. एमएडीसीने जमीन दिल्याच्या नावाखाली अनेक कंपन्यांनी बॅंकांकडून कर्ज घेतले आहे. या कंपन्यांना जमीन देताना मातीमोल किमती दाखवण्यात आल्या आहेत. काही आयटी कंपन्यांना गरजेपेक्षा शेकडो एकर जमीन जादाची देण्यात आली आहे. जमिनीच्या व्यवहारात प्रचंड भ्रष्टाचार झाला असल्याचा विदर्भ जनआंदोलन समितीचा आरोप आहे. सेझ प्रकल्पाच्या जमिनी रहिवासी क्षेत्रासाठी वाटप करून सेझच्या अटीचा भंग केला असल्याने यापूर्वीच वाणिज्य मंत्रालयाने कारवाई सुरू केली आहे. मिहानच्या संपूर्ण व्यवहाराची सीबीआयमार्फत चौकशी करण्याची मागणी जनआंदोलन समितीमार्फत करण्यात आली आहे.
Monday, June 15, 2009
MIHAN CRISIS-MADC under fire over land allotment-TOI Reports
Sunday, June 14, 2009
As Monsoon delayed now Vidarbha farmers beating drums before "Rain God"

According to Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), it would be at least another week before the monsoon reached vidarbha . As there is a disruption in the flow pattern monsoon has not advanced ,heat wave is continued in vidarbha. this delay will certainly effect crop pattern in west vidarbha as low rain will have severe impact on vidarbha cash crop cotton and soybean .
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Despite aid, Kalavati remains a supplicant-TOI reports
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
Vidarbha cotton growers `Daphade wajava’ beat drums for crop loans-Allvoices portal Reports

Vidarbha cotton growers `Daphade wajava’ beat drums for crop loans-Allvoices portal Reports

Vidarbha cotton growers `Daphade wajava’ beat drums for crop loans
Hunderds of credit starved cotton farmer 'Daphade wajava' beat drums to ‘awaken’ bankers for crop loan before State Bank of India Patanbori branch in Vavatmal district of Maharashtra received bumper response as there is huge unrest due to the delay and obstructions created by banks which has completely nullified the benefits of the loan waiver scheme as most eligible farmers have not been able to get fresh crop loans for the upcoming sowing season
In a novel agitation, distressed farmers in Yavatmal district in urgent need of crop loans has done the drums beati on Wednesday. “This is a desperate attempt to wake up the bank officials who are deep into slumber,” said Kishor Tiwari, President of Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti (VJAS), which is spearheading the cotton growers cause in the Vidarbha region.
Challenging the government ‘s claim that there was no funds crisis and there was no need to panic as co-operative banks were in a position to lend money ,Tiwari pointed out that hundreds of farmers have denied agricultural advance banks are not giving crop loan.
The VJAS alleged that co-operative banks were strapped of cash and cited the instance of a Pusad co-opweative bank which had cleared loan applications of 600 farmers a month ago but has till date not been able to actuality disburse the amount. Similarly farmers at Ner, Patn, Sawaekheda, Jodmoha, Ghatanji and Maregaon who were unable to secure the crop loans from the banks had no alternative but to borrow from private moneylenders as the kharif seadon has arrived and rains are expected anytime now.
The delay and obstructions created by banks have completely nullified benefits of the loan waiver scheme as most eligible farmers are not able to get fresh crop loans. Tiwari demanded that the Congress-led government should get out of the poll celebrations modeand give serious thought to the needs of poor cotton growers of Vidarbha. To complicate matters, he deplored that secretaries of the co-operative societies have resorted to strike bringing to halt processing of loans cases for last two weeks.
The June 4 agitation was to serve as warning, if the banks do not start disbursing loans to farmers after that, we will intensify the agitation,” said an agitating farmer leader Suresh Bolenwar of Pandharkawda in Yavatmal district. After state bank officials agree to give fresh crop loan to all illegible farmers, the farmers suspended 'Daphade wajava' beat drums.
“We will resume drum beating agitation before all cooperatives banks as they have till not started the loan disbursement”, Kishore said. (EOM)
================================================Monday, June 1, 2009
save cow -save vidarbha

save cows-save vidarbha
one of reason of vidarbha agrarian crisis is massive reduction in cows population .we first lost our food crop then fodder for animals lastly vidarbha farmers lost most of the cows that has forced 100% shift to chemical farming.
Indian cow was lifeline of village ,we cut lifeline resulting massive farm suicides .please bring back our cows .save cow -save vidarbha
please contact -kishortiwari@gmail.com