प्रत्येक वर्षी अर्थसंकल्प सादर करण्यापूर्वी महाराष्ट्र सरकारने सनदी अधिकारी जे आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण सादर करत होते. त्यात राज्याचा विकास होत आहे व महाराष्ट्रा्रगती पथावर आह,े असे मृगजळ दाखविण्यात येत होते. मात्र या वर्षीच्या आर्थिक सर्वेक्षणात महाराष्ट्रावरील गंभीर आर्थिक संकटाची जाणीव नौकरशाहीने करून दिल्याबद्दल विदर्भ जनआंदोलन समितीने मस्तवाल नोकरशाहीचे आभार मानले आहे. २00१ मध्ये प्रगती पथावर असलेल्या व जगात विकासाच्या गतीमध्ये अव्वल नंबरवर असणार्या महाराष्ट्रावर २00१ मध्ये असलेले ३0 हजार कोटींचे कर्ज या वर्षी २ लाख ३६ हजार रुपये होत असल्याची गंभीर माहिती अधिकृतपणे सरकारने दिली आहे. यात सरकारची कृषी व ग्रामीण विकासामध्ये उणे ५ टक्के होणारी प्रगती कारणीभूत असून औद्योगिक व पायभूत सवलतीमध्ये विकासाचा दर कमी होत असून महाराष्ट्रामध्ये बरोजगारी दुप्पटीने वाढल्याचे सरकारने कबूल केले आहे. या दिवाळखोरीला आघाडी सरकारमधील अनियंत्रित भ्रष्टाचार व गलथानपणा कारणीभुत असून केंद्र सरकारने या गंभीर संकटाची चाहूल घेत राज्यात राष्ट्रपती शासन लागू करावे, अशी मागणी विदर्भ जनआंदोलन समितीने आज महाराष्ट्राच्या राज्यपालांना दिलेल्या निवेदनात केली आहे. मागील वर्षी सरकारने कृषी व ग्रामीण विकासाचा दर १५ टक्के राहील, असे निश्चित केले होते मात्र तो शून्याच्या खाली जाऊन उणे ५ टक्के झाला आहे. उद्योग व सेवा क्षेत्रातील विकासदरही ११ टक्यावरून ९ टक्क्यांच्या खाली जात आहे. या वर्षी सरकारने राज्यात अन्नाचे उत्पादन १५४ लाख टनावरुन २३ टक्के कमी होत ११८ लाख टनावर येत असल्याचे म्हटले आहे तर राज्याचे नकदी पीक असलेल्या कापसाचा पेरा विक्रमी ४२ लाख हेक्टरमध्ये होत असताना उत्पादन मात्र १५ टक्क्यांनी कमी होत असल्याची नोंद या आर्थिक सर्वेक्षणात केली आहे. |
**Kishor Tiwari of the Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti, said, “The fact is that the crisis of cotton farmers in Maharashtra has only become deeper after the adoption of Bt cotton. This year, we estimate that Bt cotton farmers have lost Rs 10,000 crores due to crop failure. Even the government compensation of Rs 2,000 crores is quite small considering the loss. It is an irony that the state government is compensating for the failure of private company seeds.”**
Claiming that Bt Cotton has not revolutionised country’s cotton production as promised, a group of NGOs on Tuesday demanded from central government a comprehensive and independent review of 10 years its use.
They also asked for a special discussion in Parliament on cotton farmers’ crisis and 10 years of Bt cotton and a special parliamentary committee to look into the issue.
The group of NGOs that came under the ‘Coalition for GM-Free India’ banner claimed in a report released here that hype around Bt cotton is wrong.
They said a close examination of the government’s own data for the last 10 years negates the two important claims of dramatic yield increase and significant fall in pesticide usage.
The report states that opposite to the promise of high cotton yield, Bt cotton has resulted in stagnant yields, pest resistance, new pest and disease attacks.
“The real yield gains in the past decade (from 278 kg/ha to 470 kg/ha) happened from 2000-01 to 2004-05, when Bt cotton area had reached only 5.6% of the total cotton area. From 2005-06 to 2011-12, when the Bt cotton area grew to exceed 90% of the total cotton area, there is no sustained yield gain - only going from 470 kg/ha to 481 kg/ha,” said Kiran Vissa, co-convener of the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture.
“It is the pre-Bt cotton yield gains that have proved to be stable, resulting from various factors including fresh land brought under cotton cultivation, expansion of irrigation and use of high-yielding hybrids,” he said.
It said rather than usage of pesticide going down due to the use of Bt Cotton, it has instead increased slowly in the last few years.
The study comes nearly a week ahead of the 10th anniversary of the introduction of Bt Cotton.
The activists said in Andhra Pradesh, state government estimates show that out of 47 lakh acres planted with Bt cotton during 2011 Kharif season, the crop failed in 33.73 lakh acres (71% of the area). The state government reported that 20.46 lakh farmers suffered from cotton crop failure and lost Rs 3,071.6 crores.
Kishor Tiwari of the Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti, said, “The fact is that the crisis of cotton farmers in Maharashtra has only become deeper after the adoption of Bt cotton. This year, we estimate that Bt cotton farmers have lost Rs 10,000 crores due to crop failure. Even the government compensation of Rs 2,000 crores is quite small considering the loss. It is an irony that the state government is compensating for the failure of private company seeds.”
Table: Pesticide usage in Metric Tonnes technical grade.
| 2005-06 | 2006-07 | 2007-08 | 2008-09 | 2009-10 |
Andhra Pradesh | 1997 | 1394 | 1541 | 1381 | 1015 |
Gujarat | 2700 | 2670 | 2660 | 2650 | 2750 |
Karnataka | 1638 | 1362 | 1588 | 1675 | 1647 |
Maharashtra | 3198 | 3193 | 3050 | 2400 | 4639 |
Punjab | 5610 | 5975 | 6080 | 5760 | 5810 |
Madhya Pradesh | 787 | 957 | 696 | 663 | 645 |
All India | 39773 | 41515 | 43630 | 43860 | 41822 |
Now Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) to study Maharashtra Agrarian Crisis
Nagpur-13 March 2012
After High published recent visit of special parliament panel headed MP Basudeo Acharia to farm suicide hit region of Maharashtra now the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) chairman Ashok Gulati is visiting Marathwada another worst hit region of Maharashtra where more farm suicides are reported than than vidarbha in 2011 to discuss basic issue behind the agrarian crisis of region in third week of march before the presentation of Indian budget , informed farm activist Kishore Tiwari of Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti VJAS,.
‘The visit of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) chairman Ashok Gulati who is accountable to fix minimum support price (MSP) for main crop of Maharashtra which are cotton,soya ,paddy and pulses failed to give any justice in last two years as MSP fixed CACP was fixed much below the cost of cultivation and he ignored the recommendations of state Govt. asking for it’s revision but all time he manage to shift focus of sustainable price to agriculture produce of dry land farmers of region to issue of irrigation as he Recently, the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) had in a report stressed the need for a financial package to improve irrigation in the region advocating urgent need for special integrated watershed management programme for Vidarbha, of around Rs 30,000 crore, dovetailing it with agriculture which is baseless as he is not our of the basic crisis of dry land farmers who are forced to cultivate non-sustainable highly risky and volatile to climate and market which is killing farming community at large .when CACP talks about fixing of cost there is total failure of UPA to procure cotton ,paddy or pulses when they are being traded below the MSP which is just mockery of CACP existence’ Tiwari asked.
‘CACP chairman Ashok Gulati’s visit drought-prone dry land region of Maharashtra is create environment for UPA Govt. declare another contractor driven financial package for farmers in Vidarbha in name of Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India plan (BRGEI) and CACP is likely discuss the issues from the impact of low rains, high inputs costs and diminishing returns on investments with hand picked 400 progressive farmers and will discuss the expected dams to make best use of scarce water resources the package could be one of the biggest central government doles to Vidarbha, after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Rs 3,750-crore debt relief package in 2006. all packges failed west vidarbha hence he has shifted his visit to Latur from Amaravati but these are proven futile exercise and CACP chairman Ashok Gulati knows truth that faulty policies at the centre is root cause of agrarian crisis not the issue of irrigation or farm mechanization. BGREI is eye wash as dry land region agrarian crisis has touched to it’s bottom land has lost fertility, chemical farming is 100% loss making and rain sensitive crop like cotton and soya are killing the farmers due to successive crop failure and non-suitable American Bt.cootn seed’ Tiwari
BGREI needs to have focus on sustainable agriculture in dry land and CACP should focus on MSP which is rational price to Agri. Produce and stabilization fund and mechanism for the proper procurement when prices are below MSP that is need of hour not packages planned in budgets ,Tiwari urged.